Thursday, June 05, 2008

Resurrection of my Blog!

As it is only a couple of sleeps or so until Euro 2008 begins, and this blog was initially started to analyse every moment in the 2006 world cup, it is fitting that after a year away from the blogosphere, I re-start now. Now, so that like for the 06 World Cup, I can freely express my views on the tournament: the teams, the moments, the controversies. Whether or not anyone ever reads my blog again I shall enjoy the process of writing it, and that is indeed all that matters.

There have been a million and one things I should have been blogging about since my last blog post just over a year ago. A lot has happened in politics, make that a huge amount worth putting my tuppence worth of thoughts on paper for. I have had holidays away that I should have reviewed. A number of things have happened in my life that are worth commenting on, and thus linking back to the themes of humanity. A lotta lotta stuff I should have blogged on, and I haven't.

Reading my second to last post on this blog it's pretty ironic. I was expressing my bitter disappointment and sadness over Leeds relegation from the Championship. Who could possibly have imagined that a year on and there would be something I would consider in some ways even worse to cry about regarding my beloved Leeds. I shall leave Leeds United until later, as I shall in the not too distant future write a season review as I have not commented on Leeds on this blog since that relegation.

So anyone and everyone (or indeed no-one) William Fussey is back (he hopes!). And after starting this post he wonders why he was ever away at all. Somehow my posts dried up and I never really thought about starting them back up again, especially as I started using my bebo blog a little. And then as Euro 2008 neared I suddenly remembered this blog! This, methinks, is the appropriate place for my blogging. So sit back, relax and enjoy once more. As once again I hope this to be the place for my many opinions on sport, politics and my philosophies on life :) It will be hard to fit this in over the Euro's in between watching games in the early morning, going to work and doing tutoring in the evening. Not to mention fitting in a social life as well. However sleep is over-rated so I'll do the best I can :p


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Awesome. Welcome back Fussta.


  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    welcome back to the world of blogging william
