Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One reason I love big tournaments like Euro 2008

Apart from the passion big tournaments incite for the legions of fans following their team, and the excitement of the neutrals to see a stimulating feast of world class football amongst a backdrop of tension and emotion it is a chance to see in action a number of players who you knew very little about or never new existed.

From my own position as one who loves football, I unfortunately am unable to follow the lesser European leagues such as the Dutch and French leagues - 2 excellent leagues but apart from the few minutes I get to see of these teams in the Champions League, I am devoid of watching domestic games from these places as well as from Germany, Greece, Switzerland (lack of TV access to these countries leagues in New Zealand a big problem etc etc etc). And even the big leagues of Spain and Italy I don't watch too much of. Watching a European Championship acquaints you with a lot more players, who they play for, how they play and all those other pieces of interesting information. It is fascinating to watch international football especially in such a passionate tournament.

P.S. Reviews from the first round of games in the four groups coming soon!!

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