Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Aussie heartbreak: A RANT !!

First please permit me to shake off my objectivity and rant.

I am pretty gutted about the Aussies loss. I don't really know why but they have been one of the teams I have been supporting at World Cup 2006. Maybe because they are an underdog with great fighting spirit. Maybe it's neighbourly affection. It is also no doubt partly in the case of the second round match because I really do not like Italy who I have always considered to be diving, cheating scum. My dislike is not in the same league as my dislike of Argentina or Germany but there is a dislike there nevertheless. I don't like the Aussie rugby and cricket teams, but I do like the Socceroos, even if Harry Kewell who screwed Leeds over is a member of the squad. I even celebrated his goal against Croatia.

What is particularly gutting is that: Australia were not outclassed, Australia were not given a deserved beating, Australia were involved in an absorbing and close contest that was ultimately decided by a debatable penalty. There are those who argue both ways. Penalties are given for trips, but was it a trip? Grosso fell over Lucas Neill's prostrate figure, it was admittedly a hard one to interpret but whether the referee got it right or wrong (and I still think from my perspective it was wrong), how hard is it to lose with the very last kick of the game.

I so wanted extra time. The Italians with 10 men would have been wilting, Aussies would have increased the pressure. The Italians outstanding defence may well have stood firm but we will never know. The drama of penalties may have eventuated but we did not get the chance to see.

It was this ref who was in charge when Australia overcame Uruguay on penalties to get to the world cup, it was at this stage 4 years ago when an underdog coached by Guus Hiddink broke Italian hearts (ironically I was rooting for Italy on that day, how much luck did the Koreans have back in 02?). These were good portents for the Aussies. Although there are good portents for Italians overall. Last time their league was embroiled in Scandal was 82 when, yes you've guessed it, they last won the world cup.

I feel so sorry for the Aussie boys, the Aussie supporters, the ockers and the Aussie women.

This is the worst I have felt during the World Cup so far.

Those fans who support Australia and Leeds United (there are many of them), have had a pretty gutting year. But none of the events in Germany will come close to those at Millennium stadium on May 21st 2006.

Australia can hold their heads high after this world cup. High and proud.And then I can go back to snarling at the likes of George Gregan and Brett Lee!


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    "how much luck did the Koreans have back in 02?"

    From the state of the refereeing in the Italy game I think it was evident they were making their own luck.

    Anyway now Italy get to play Ukraine in the quarters. On form so far this may be an easier match than the one they played today against Australia. Hope the Ukrainans beat them tho.

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    What a bloody Joke the refs are in the world cup.They are completely ruining the tournament. There is no way in the world that was a penalty.Auzzie should demand to have the game replayed. i hope the ref gets kicked out of the tournament!

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    How come world class referee from NZ Liam Doyle isnt at the world cup.With NZ not qualifying he is more impartial than any of the other refs and sets himself a quota of no more than 10 cards in a game, so there will be no chance of 4 reds and 14 yellows!

  4. Anonymous1:31 PM

    What are shambles the draw at the world cuyp is. What is the logic of having argubably the top 4 or 5 teams in the world playing each other in the quaters. (germany,argentina,England Portugal) where as italy,spain,uruguay,brazil just get a walk in the park.

  5. Not quite Mr. Bitter Bandito. If all goes to plan then Spain Brazil may be a quarter final. Spain do not have an easy ride because first they have to overcome France. And I think you mean Ukraine not Uruguay!

  6. Anonymous1:55 AM

    I think luca toni played well, im a real fan of toni's...and sven gorn eriksons youth selection policy, you can't beat youth, naievity and inmaturity!
    p.s. i wish buffon would wear his pink goalie shirt as i love pink shirts! and go Frank Lampard, he's my favourite player, a bit like me on and off the field, have trouble scoring!

  7. Anonymous2:01 AM

    I am disappointed with the dutch team, if i was out there i would have made the difference as the portugese would have lost concentration because all the guys love me! ps. go Holland in the ICC womens world cup! Not that i will be there, i lost all my confidence because some kiwi boys (and a hot italian)smashed me 2 all parts of the boundary last year at ilam park!

  8. Anonymous2:14 PM

    this is terrible egan must score before england play portugal and lift this wretched curse off lampard. it is just not fair the man deserves better and has more shots on goal than any other player thus far however none have made it into the back of the net. Egan this is your chance to shine take it... its yours!

  9. Anonymous2:14 PM

    this is terrible egan must score before england play portugal and lift this wretched curse off lampard. it is just not fair the man deserves better and has more shots on goal than any other player thus far however none have made it into the back of the net. Egan this is your chance to shine take it... its yours!

  10. Anonymous2:15 PM

    this is terrible egan must score before england play portugal and lift this wretched curse off lampard. it is just not fair the man deserves better and has more shots on goal than any other player thus far however none have made it into the back of the net. Egan this is your chance to shine take it... its yours!

  11. Anonymous2:24 PM

    it reminds me of rusty.Few goal scoring opportunites last year. ANd when he did score he was very quickly sent off for diving.I think xmas island should be at the next world cup.They are very bitter but dont mind if you have played for a few countries before joining them!

  12. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Talking of poor quality refs;
    i'm a bloody good ref and if some nomads supporter had not run me over i would have been officiating at world cup and would not have dished out 16 cards, but 32 cards! the players have 2 remember i am just as much part of the game as them! ps.maybe my marriage broke up because when ever my wife wanted 2 go 2 'bed' with me, i would tell her too piss off and practice reaching for cards and show her them!

  13. Anonymous4:59 PM

    'World Class' Referee Liam Doyle may have been given a chance 2 referee in this tournament, but he could not have refereed Italy, or nay games which affected Italian prospects as he has a vested interest...
