Friday, May 18, 2007
Facebook is a wonderful thing.
It's a great website, and there's plenty of Kiwis on there too... so get connecting!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
On Sunday 29th April I went on the internet - heart in my mouth as usual - to check out the Championship scores. As soon as I discovered that we'd drawn after a last minute Ipswich equaliser, and Hull had beaten Cardiff, I knew this meant we had been relegated. The first time in our 88 year history we had been sent down to play in the third tier of English Football.
I started to cry. Tears ran freely down my face. It's not the first time I've cried sitting on a computer at Uni, I'm surprised no-one has caught me yet haha!
People don't really understand how bad I feel. I spend over an hour practically every day reading about Leeds on the sites, message boards etc, sometimes up to 3+ hours (yes I am a saddo). Since my whole life is practically subsumed with hope and worry for Leeds, since I exert so much of my energies on my favourite team, the fact that everything has come to so goddamn terrible.
I just sat there crying.
Since then I have felt anger, and I have felt flat. Just plain old dejected. A bit like the 2006 playoff final except worse.
The cycle of tears, anger and flatness is one I've become used to in 2007. It's not a nice cycle let me assure you.
I've kind of lost my interest in sport after the news. What with the Black Caps losing their semi-final as well.
I've just got to hope that sometime in the next 10 years we can get somewhere close to our previous glory.
I am Leeds United and I'm proud of it. Marching on Together. We Will be back.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
One Square of loo paper.
Impose a one square of toilet paper per person limitation! Or 2-3 in messy situations haha!
Well I agree that some people can be excessive in their use of toilet paper, but how is she going to impose the restriction on people? Employ people to hand out one square to each person who enters a public toilet? There's no way it can be done, and it will have zero effect on global warming even if it is achieved.
Her comments are ridiculous in the extreme!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Am I about to scale the peak of bitterness?
Yes, its Leeds I'm talking about again.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The money is irrelevant.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Oh dear. Scum and Chelscum are monopolising.
And of course the Premiership is a two horse race between those two sides.
Anyway it's not good for football to have two teams dominate so much.
3 games left and I'm shitting bricks.
The table as it stands:
QPR 49
Leicester 47
Barnsley 47
Hull 45
Leeds 45
Southend 42
Luton 37
Leicester have one game in hand (this will be played shortly - lets hope they don't manage to do what the likes of Barnsley and Southend have - beat Birmingham!)
Anyway - it's ever so many permutations. We have a tough last 3 games starting with Southampton away this weekend. This will be followed by being at home to Ipswich and away to Derby. Tough, tough games. Some of the other teams have damn hard run-ins as well though.
I'm shitting bricks.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Liberty and Society Conference.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
My perspective on life.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Agony of Last Minute goals.
How the last ten minutes changed everything.
Colchester, Southend and QPR all scored twice.
Current Table:
QPR 49
Leicester 47
Hull 44
Barnsley 44
Leeds 42
Southend 42
Luton 37
The wheels are well and truly falling off.
I am a nervous wreck. My head is in tatters. My heart is thumping in my chest.
There will be nothing more bitter than relegation into League 1.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Leeds hanging in there.
However last weekend was great as far as Leeds Utd were concerned. A brilliant 2-1 win over high flying Preston including an 89th minute winner from man of the moment David Healy. And the only other team in the bottom six to win was Hull - and even that could be a godsend considering it was Southend they thrashed 4-0.
But it's a false hope I think...I can still smell relegation. Bitter.
Today QPR have also beaten Preston: 1-0. Bitter! And Burnley beat Plymouth 4-0. Bitter!
So dammit I still think we're stuffed. But I live in hope!
6 games to go starting with a mammoth match against Plymouth this weekend. Can we do it???
I bloody hope so!
Burnley 45
Hull 44
QPR 43
Barnsley 41
Southend 39
Leeds 39
Luton 37
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Gordon Brown the mucky bugger. lol
Malinga the Slinger

The Home Nations and Euro 2008 qualification.

Only time will tell.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Confidence in the police?
But would you want that message drummed into your daughter if Brad Shipton was the policeman? I certainly wouldn't. Engaging in group sex with young females while on duty is bad enough but reading about his sex tape it's a lot worse than that. Biting on them till they bleed? Strangling to the point of black-out? Baton inserted vaginally and anally? Controlled rape role play? To name but a few.
This is suggested to have been a regular occurrence, revealing a police force with a disgusting pack mentality. It appears sexual activity often took place with girls who thought they were just being given a friendly lift home. There have also been a few allegations that quite a bit that has happened between police officers and young women has actually been rape but the females often haven't wanted to seek out the justice of the courts.
This whole story sickens me.
It might be consensual but by god it still undermines confidence in the police and their ethics.
Black Caps hit by injuries; bad news for The Chin.

Aussies pummel South Africa; Ireland back in business in Euro 2008 qualification!

At 3am I did switch over to watch the football (flicking back to cricket now and again naturally) !With Ireland being my favourite international football side (behind the All Whites of course!) I'm always very keen to watch them. Of course it also helped my frame of mind that Johnny Douglas was selected in the team. Douglas is of course a Leeds Utd midfielder who recently became captain after the messy Nicholls saga. He's not much of a player but he's tenacious and useful. And its nice to watch a fairly good international side employ a player from the start who plays for the Championship's bottom club (by god it pains me to say that!). Unfortunately his playing on Saturday against Wales and then on Wednesday against Slovakia is not good for Leeds as our game against Preston is on Friday. So it would be nice if he didn't start on Wednesday! Anyway - the Ireland Wales game wasn't the most rip roaring affair but it was satisfying to see Stephen Ireland score the winning goal. It keeps us in with a shot at qualification. With Germany beating the Czechs, we now see Germany top with 13 points with the Czechs and us on 10 (although we have played the extra game). And then we have Slovakia only one point behind us, and with the game in hand! This makes our match up with Slovakia huge! As the match wound up it was great to hear the commentator inform us of a late Scotland goal to take a 2-1 win over Georgia. Hopefully the Scots can avoid defeat against the Italians, keeping them in good shape to secure a surprise qualification.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Nugent call up for England.
I can't see him staying at Preston much longer though. He'll no doubt be courting the big money signs of the Premiership come summer.
NCEA or Cambridge?
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Yay. I'm off to Sydney!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Other World Cup titbits.
Since then Inzamam-Ul-Haq has decided to retire from the one-day game after the world cup, and to relinquish his position as test captain (though still be available for tests).
A day of shocks follows a Black Caps win.

Leeds Update
Burnley 41 (37 games) Goal diff: -5
Hull 41 (39 games) Goal diff: -17
Barnsley 41 (39 games) Goal diff: -24
QPR 40 (38 games) Goal diff: -14
Southend 39 (39 games) Goal diff: -19
Luton 36 (39 games) Goal diff: -20
Leeds 36 (39 games) Goal diff: -25
Come on boys!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Zimbabwe Ireland thriller!

Black Caps England Preview.

I can't exactly talk...
You put your Argies in,
Took your Argies out.
The Iceman comes,
And your manager's out.
You're selling Reo-Coker
and your're going down,
Thats why we like to shout...........
Oooooh Wanky Wanky West Ham,
Oooooh Wanky Wanky West Ham,
Oooooh Wanky Wanky West Ham,
Misfits, Has-beens HA HA HA!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
You've gotta laugh.

Congratulations Taito Phillip Field!
Unfortunately Chester Borrows amendment failed which would have actually defined reasonable force, and was a good middle ground.
NZ injury situation.
Fantasy Cricket
New Football rule suggested.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Down Down Down.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
World Cup gets underway!

Thursday, March 08, 2007
Dwayne Leverock is my hero.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Frank Haden dies.

Monday, March 05, 2007
A little Green on the inside.

Another idea coming out of the Green Party ranks shouldn't be completely dismissed. Green Party co-leader Russel Norman has suggested that those who sign up to Kiwisaver should be given a 'socially responsible' option as to where to invest, citing that "the New Zealand Superannuation Fund has investments in companies that manufacture nuclear weapons, destroy the environment and breach labour and human rights". I don't know the validity of his claims, nor how he defines destroying the environment - chances are he's spouting some extremist propaganda - but his comments do raise a question in my mind: when looking to invest - do we just look for simply the best financial return or should we try and balance this out a little with our moral and social concerns? I suggest the latter. Life shouldn't just be about more money at whatever cost.
Having stood up for the Green Party a little here, readers should be clear that overall I think their set of policies is one of the crazier in parliament, and one of the most out of tune with my perspective. But sometimes, just sometimes, there's a smidgeon of sense hidden away somewhere. Most of the time this is where conservation is concerned - but occasionally, sense crops up elsewhere!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Not Guilty!

Compulsory Savings

Monday, February 26, 2007
Buck up your maths skills kiwis!
At least New Zealanders tend to use eftpos a lot! Come on Kiwis, buck up your ideas and at least follow your maths teacher who helps you try and solve these practical problems.
Alcohol consumption hits a high: some philosophical meanderings on attitudes to alcohol.

Alcohol watchdogs are blaming RTD's for the increase. Rebecca Williams notes that "RTD's are cheap, convenient and designed to appeal to young people". She's right. And the people I believe it to be affecting most are young women. Young women these days are notoriously big drinkers compared to their counterparts of a generation ago. In some cases women try to out-drink the men with disastrous consequences. The culture these days find it acceptable for women to get absolutely off their face. This is particularly prevalent among students, for whom binge-drinking of any kind is the norm. It is no good for these young women's livers or other biological functions. Naturally binge drinking is not good for us blokes either, but a women's system is even less designed to cope. The Alcopops range is very appealing to girls pretty much anywhere from high school upwards, and in many of these drinks you can't even taste the alcohol, meaning youngsters become absolutely slaughtered before they know it.

Sunday, February 25, 2007
Leeds United: Relegation Inevitable

Luton 36
Hull 35
QPR 35
Barnsley 35
Southend 31
Leeds 31
And we have the worst goal difference. We have 12 games to go. We are not yet down but we sure as hell will be. 95% chance of going down. I feel so hollow. This just adds to my hollowness about at least two other things. I did have the hope that checking the results today would ease some bitterness instead of just exacerbating it. The end of LUFC is nigh. Leeds United: rest in peace. Dennis Wise you are a muppet as was John Carver and Kevin Blackwell before you. Ken Bates you are a useless turd. And as for the players: this is the Leeds United shirt we are talking about - play like you could die for it instead of just going through the motions. Very few of you actually seem to care. You pick up your healthy pay cheques and start planning which club you are going to join next season. Our vast array of injuries don't help but our players are not only not up to the job - they are not up for the job. Players, management, hang your heads in shame. You have 12 games to be heroes. 12 games to retain our status. Here are the games for us remaining:
Birmingham v Leeds Utd
Leeds Utd v Sheff Weds

Leeds Utd v Luton Town
Leicester v Leeds Utd
Southend v Leeds Utd
Leeds Utd v Preston NE
Leeds Utd v Plymouth
Colchester v Leeds Utd
Leeds Utd v Burnley
Southampton v Leeds Utd
Leeds Utd v Ipswich
Derby v Leeds Utd
We should lose against Birmingham but the next 4 games after that will completely define the season. If we could get a minimum of 3 wins and a draw out of Wednesday, Luton, Leicester and Southend then we would really give ourselves a fighting chance. And these are potentially winnable matches against lowly ranked teams, two of them also fighting relegation. I very much doubt we will but we need good results in those games, and set us up for the tough last 7 games.
But whatever way you look at, I think we're done for. I feel too down and upset to cry. No doubt I will do a few times before the season is over. And play a bit of "Everybody Hurts" by REM, or John Blunt, to make me feel even more upset. When we failed in the Championship playoff final last season the next day I was singing the Leeds songs to myself all day long with tears in my eyes. I have to prepare myself for a similar eventuality. What a circus for Leeds fans to endure. I hope the Leeds fans go to the last game of the season against Derby and throw a party.
We have never been as low as the third tier of English football. To go there would be the worst moment as a Leeds fan. The last 5 or 6 years have been like hell on earth for us Leeds fans. But if we do go down, I just have to hope that we can come back over the next few years instead of remaining condemned to the lower leagues for an eternity.
We'll be back.
MARCHING ON TOGETHER (highlighting - all my own choice)
Here we go with Leeds United
We're gonna give the boys a hand
Stand up and sing for Leeds United
They are the greatest in the land
Every day, we're all gonna say
We love you Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!
Everywhere, we're gonna be there
We love you Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!
Marching on together
We're gonna see you win(na na na na na na)
We are so proud
We shout it out loud
We love you Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!
We've been through it all together
And we've had our ups and downs (ups and downs!)
We're gonna stay with you forever
At least until the world stops turning 'round
Every day, we're all gonna say
We love you Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!
Everywhere, we're gonna be there
We love you Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!
Marching on together
We're gonna see you win (na na na na na na)
We are so proud
We shout it out loud
We love you Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Anti Smacking Bill.